美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件3.ppt

美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件3.ppt

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美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件3

* *Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor *Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor *Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor *Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor *Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor THE ECONOMICS OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Chapter 3 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright ? 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Economic rationale for mix of wages and benefits in compensation Why insurance is less costly for larger groups How changes in benefits affect employer profits How changes in perceived worker value of benefits affect job choice Effects of government-mandated benefits on wages and profits WHY OFFER BENEFITS The Employer Has A Cost Advantage It Helps in Recruiting Certain Types of Workers Tax Incentives COST ADVANTAGE Health Insurance Cost Employer $1000 Per Employee for a large employer Each Employee To Purchase On Own $2,500 (Cost difference of $1,500) The employer is essentially acting as a buying agent for the employee and typically apply to health insurance, retirement annuities and disability and life insurance What Is An Insurance Pool (And) How Does it Work? As an insured group gets larger, the risk becomes less and the total medical expenses become more predictable1 High risk patients are “balanced out” by healthier ones Economies of Scale (administrative cost / employee drops) Fixed costs spread out among more participants May keep employees healthier by offering affordable and accessible medical care The more people in the group, the more likely that total medical expenses will be close to that predicted by the characteristics of people in the group. J. Martocchio 2006 AVERAGE MEDICAL EXPENDITURES Large Pool Size Leads to Accurate Extrapolations for Future Costs of Benefits Average total medical expenditures were $4,078 per person and by age $1,510 for children 5 to 17 $2,703 for adults 18 to 44 $5,455 for adults 45 to 64 $9,080 for adults aged 65 and older Higher For Women Than Men Higher For Whites Than For


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