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speaker: Ben(贲) Qingwei we all have a fear of death in our subconscious(潜意识) deeply. Therefore people appreciate those brave man who can face death.Human is eager to get rid of this bad emotion.We prefer to rely on heros who have the ultra[?ltr?] ability when theres nothing we could do.Pursuing the power and freedom from the heroic spiritual world. American heroic complex Welcome to 美国个人 美国个人英雄主义情结 My Topic What I am going to talk about: 1.The origin of the American heroic complex 2.The heroic complex in American movies 3.How Americans think? 4.My opinions American Heroic Complex The origin Historical needs Crisis consciousness(危机意识) The development of film technology the need of history As we all kown,American heroic complex is as young as their country compared with other countries. Americans respect heros from the beginning of the establishment of this country.American heroic complex originated in American specific history and cultural background instead of a kind of abstract concept. Almost two hundred years ago,immigrants from Europe established this free and independent states which was former British colony.So,American all thirsted for living in freedom and happiness.The fearless consciousness which seeking freedom laid the foundation for todays American heroic complex.Whats more,the whole society was full of optimism after the success of territorial[?ter??t?:ri?l](领土) expansion.These phenomenons give American heroic complex new meaning. the civil war westward movement Crisis consciousness Americans have long crisis consciousness . American has gradually become the most powerful country in the world after two world wars,the Cold war and the 9/11. There are many crises in American society beneath the strong surface. There is a sense of insecurity in subconscious from hostile countries, (敌对国家)natural disasters, etc.So, personal heroism meets the needs of American society and the lack of security. The developm


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