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The Lords My Shepherd, Ill Not Want The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. My soul He doth restore again And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Een for His own names sake. Yea, tho I walk in deaths dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy, all my life, Shall surely follow me; And in Gods house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. 我推想,尘缘苦短 埃米莉·狄金森 我推想,尘缘苦短 苦痛,绝对的 受伤害者众, 可是,这又奈何? 我推想,我们必死 最强的生命力 也难免衰败, 可是,这又奈何? 我推想,在天堂 无论如何,会平稳 有一些新的平均, 可是,这又奈何? Whitman vs. Dickinson Emily Dickinson ’s poems, as well as Walt Whitman’s, were considered as a part of American?renaissance“. They were regarded as pioneers of imagism. Both of them rejected custom and received wisdom and experimented with poetic style. Whitman seems?to keep his eye on society at large. Dickinson explores the inner life?of the individual. Whitman is national in his outlook. Dickinson?is regional?in her outlook. “For the whole 19th century Dickinson was the only woman poet who enjoys high academic esteem. she has been acclaimed as a poet of genuinely philosophical and tragic dimensions, a poet who was acutely responsive to the challenging questions of the nature and meaning of human consciousness in its ceaseless exploration of human origins, conditions, relations, and fate.” Homework: 序言:四、现实主义时期 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Chapter 31 Lecture 7: Emily Dickinson (1830—1886) Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. She was the second child in a well-to-do family and attended Amherst Academy and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Dickinson in a way was like Thoreau. She spent her whole life in the small town of Amherst. Life After 1862, she scarcely left her house but kep


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