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War in Kosovo War in Syria World War II (1931/37/39/41--1945) Reason: struggle between the great powers for control of the world and military expansion of the countries of Germany, Fascist Italy and militarist Japan 1931: Sept. 18 Incident 1937: Lugou Bridge Incident 1939: Germany invaded Poland American policy: isolationist 1941: The Japanese bombed the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii, which forced the US to abandon her initial neutrality. The Nazi Germans surrendered on May 5, 1945. Germany was divided into East West Germany in 1945. West Germany became democratic was self-governed. East Germany didn’t adopt a democratic government remained under the control of the Soviet Union. Berlin Wall was constructed to keep East Berliners from escaping to West Berlin. (Symbol of tension between the U.S. USSR) Japan Soon after WWII, Japan adopted a democratic government. Japan became a strong ally of the U.S. Germany The United Nations an international organization Founding: in 1945 after World War II Aims: facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The Cold War The Cold War a state of political and diplomatic tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union “hot war” struggle for global supremacy The Truman Doctrine(1947) Communism was a threat. America would give economic and military aid to anyone threatened by communism. Greece and Turkey were the first two countries to receive aid. (only 400 million dollars) The Marshall Plan(1947) Official name: the European Recovery Program, ERP Goal: to rebuild Europe Real goal: Prevent the spread of communism Form: Massive economic aid Significance: the most effective weapon in the Cold War Korean War (1950-1953) After WWII, Korea split along 38th parallel the Republic of Korea the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea capitalist communist North Korean invasion to South Korea on 25 June 1950. In


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