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Starla L. Ivey Dissertation Defense Dissertation Committee Dr. Bob Stewart Dr. Kelly Wilkinson Dr. Craig Israelsen Dr. Deanna L. Sharpe Dr. James Laffey Introduction SCANS (1991) Competencies Resources Information Interpersonal skills Systems Technology Need for Study Claiborne (1992) Strains on finding qualified applicants Huber (1997) Increased difficulty in finding qualified applicants Richens (1999) Entry-level employees possession of SCANS competencies HR Guide (1999) Methods for assessing prospective employees Purpose Investigate the perceptions of human resource personnel with respect to workplace competencies possessed of job applicants and the factors employed when evaluating these skills in job applicants Research Question What is the level of workplace competencies possessed by prospective employees at various educational/skill levels as perceived by human resources personnel? Is there a significant difference among the mean workplace competencies possessed by prospective employees at various educational/skill levels as perceived by human resources personnel? What methods do human resource personnel utilize to assess workplace competencies possessed by prospective employees at various educational/skill levels? Methodology Independent Variable Levels of Educational/Skill Those who have completed less than a GED (laboring/elemental skill level) Those who have completed a high school diploma/GED or some college, but no degree (intermediate skill level) Those who have completed an associate’s degree (technical/paraprofessional skill level) Those who have completed a bachelor’s degree or beyond (manager/professional skill level) Methodology Dependent Variables The mean competency ratings for the skills possessed by prospective employees as perceived by human resource personnel about the five areas of workplace competencies Resources Information Interpersonal skills Systems Technology Methodology Sample 25 companies surveyed Instru


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