美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件10.ppt

美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件10.ppt

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美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件10

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor Chapter 10 Accommodation and Enhancement Programs McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright ? 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Five categories of accommodation and enhancement benefits and their objectives Specific accommodations benefits in each category Reasons many companies offer these benefits Tax advantages for employers and employees Legal issues ACCOMMODATION AND ENHANCEMENT BENEFITS Mental and Physical Well - Being Family Assistance Programs Flexible Scheduling Educational Benefits Support Programs for Daily Living Rationale for Benefit Cost of absenteeism and tardiness is greater than offering this benefit; The programs enhance the employee’s mental and physical well-being; Programs that support daily living also promote attendance. Programs that provide healthy alternatives and personal/professional growth. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WELL-BEING Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) help with personal problems that impair the employee’s ability to do the job (alcohol or substance abuse, domestic violence, AIDS, depression, and eating disorders) Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: Programs must meet criteria (see Exhibit 10.1) that includes: a written policy stating that use on the premises in prohibited; make employee aware of the resources available; and restrictions placed on employees with conviction records and mandates program participation. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Designed to Help Employees Cope which Personal Problems Should Improve Job Performance Cost $50 - $60 Per Employee Annually One study shows 78% of employees received the help they needed EAP SERVICES Providing Information about Services Problem Identification Assessment Short - Term Counseling Referrals to Professionals Follow - Up to Assess Effectiveness (360 degree review!) Measure the effectiveness of the program Using Outside Contractors for EAP Outplacement Services Employee Cho


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