美国文学Part one.ppt

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美国文学Part one

Part One Early American Literature Chapter One: The Literature of the New World Chapter Two: The Literature of Colonial America (1620-1763) Chapter Three: Literature and American Revolution (1764-1815) Chapter One: The Literature of the New World Ⅰ “Discoveries”: Christopher Columbus, 1492, Amerigo Vespucci, 1501, a new land. name Natives and Asian hunters Ⅱ Native American Oral Literature 1. Origin Stories: Earth-Diver story (similar to Noah and the flood, but takes the animal form) Earth Mother Woman Creator 2. Trickster (民间故事中恶作剧的精灵) Tales 3. Historical Narratives Chapter Two: The Literature of Colonial America (1620-1763) Ⅰ Time: controversial The beginning: 1607 Virginia; 1620, Plymouth in Massachusetts The ending: 1776, 1763, Ⅱ Puritanism 1. The story of the Puritans the Church of England not pure—purify—persecution—immigration—New England (City upon a Hill) 2. Puritan beliefs and practices (overexaggerated) a. Theocracy (神权政治;僧侣政治 government of a community by religious leaders ) b. Predestination—destiny determined before birth—the absolute sovereignty of God c. Hard work d. self-discipline ----swift, no entertainment e. severe punishment---adultery, pagans (witches), drinking etc. 3. Features of American Puritans idealist: they dream to build a new Eden on earth. (City upon the Hill) Spiritual life is the most important thing in their life. practical: hard conditions—for survival— preoccupied with business and profit 4. Influence of Puritanism on American literature The basis of American literature Widely used technique of symbolism Influencing the style of literature: simple, fresh and direct Chapter Three: Literature and American Revolution (1764-1815) American Enlightenment Definition the intellectual culture of the British North American colonies and the early United States. It was a part of a larger intellectual movement k


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