美国现代主义American Modernism (I).ppt

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美国现代主义American Modernism (I)

American Modernism (I);I. Historical Background;B. Philosophical Ideas;B. Freud;c. Marxism;II. Modernism;;B. Modernism in Literature;The most active and influential writers ;Modernism is often derided嘲弄 for abandoning the social world in favor of its narcissistic自我陶醉的 interest in language and its processes. Recognizing the failure of language to ever fully communicate meaning, the modernists generally downplayed content in favor of an investigation of form. The fragmented, non-chronological, poetic forms utilized by Eliot and Pound revolutionized poetic language.;D. In a Station of the Metro;III. Imagism;;B. Definition;C. Contribution ;IV. Ezra Pound (1885-1972);1934 ABC of Reading, essays; 1935 Make It New, essays; 1936 Chinese written character as a medium for poetry, by Ernest Fenollosa, edited and with a foreword and notes by Ezra Pound; 1948 The Pisan Cantos, poems; 1951 Confucian analects, translated by Ezra Pound; 1915-1962 The Cantos…;C. Three Imagist Poetic Principles;D. In a Station of the Metro;在地铁站: 人潮中这些面容的忽现;湿巴巴的黑树丫上的花瓣。(罗池) 地铁车站: 人群中这些脸庞的幻影;潮湿又黑的树枝上的花瓣.(成婴) 地铁车站: 人群中这些面庞的闪现;湿漉的黑树干上的花瓣。(赵毅衡) 在地铁车站: 这几张脸在人群中幻景般闪现;湿漉漉的黑树枝上花瓣数点。(飞白) 地铁站里: 出现在人群里这一张张面孔;湿的黑树枝上的一片片花瓣。(张子清) 人群里这些脸忽然闪现;花丛在一条湿黑的树枝。(流沙河) 人群中,这些面孔的鬼影;潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。(余光中) 这些面孔浮现于人群;花瓣潮湿的黑树枝(颜元叔) 众中梦幻身影,黝湿枝头疏花。(吴其尧);枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。;补充: How is the central image in the poem related to the subject the poet intends to present? This poem is probably the most famous of all imagist poems. Pound attempt to produce the emotion he felt when he walked down into a Paris subway station and suddenly saw a number of faces in the dim light. To capture the emotion, Pound uses the image of petals on wet, black boughs. ;In two lines it combines a sharp visual image or two juxtaposed images意象的叠加 “petals on a wet, black bough” with an implied meaning. The faces in the dim light suggest both the impersonality and haste of city life and the greater transience of human life. The word “apparition ”


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