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美国文学Henry James

Psychological Realism: Henry James 1.A psychological novel, also called psychological realism, is a work of fiction which places more than the usual amount of emphasis on interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances, and internal action which springs from, and develops, external action. 2. The psychological novel is not content to state what happens but goes on to explain the motivation of this action. 3.In this type of writing character and characterization are more than usually important, and they often delve deeper into the mind of a character than novels of other genres. The psychological novel can be called a novel of the inner man, so to say. 4. The stream of consciousness technique, as well as interior monologues, may be employed to better illustrate the inner workings of the human mind at work. Henry James Born: April 15, 1843 , New York City Died: February 28, 1916 (aged 72), London Nationality: American; acquired British nationality in 1915 never married: a socially distant man Life Experience 1843 , born in New York City 1879 Daisy Miller 《黛西·密勒》 1881 The Portrait Of A Lady 《贵妇人的肖像》 1915 the outbreak of World War I , becoming a British citizen 1915 suffering a stroke Writing Career(3 stages) Stage 1.(1865~1881) 1.creating“ the international novel” (国际小说)and “international theme”(国际题材) 2. focusing on the difference between new America and old Europe Works: Daisy Miller 《黛西·密勒》 The Portrait Of A Lady 《贵妇人的肖像》 Writing Career Stage 2.(1882~1895) focusing on a certain aspect of social issues Examples: The Bostonians《波士顿人》 The Princess Casamassima 《卡萨玛西玛公主》 Writing Career Stage 3.(1895~1916) 1. In the 5 early years, writing some medium-length novels and stories about young generation Example: The Turn of The Screw《拧螺丝》 2. In the later years, paying more attention to the psychological analysis Example: The Ambassadors《专使》 The Portrait of A Lady Chapt


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