英国文学George Gordon Byron.ppt

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英国文学George Gordon Byron

Newstead Abbey When he was twenty one, he became a member of the House of Lords. In 1809 he went on a two-year-long voyage [v?iid?] to Portugal, [p?:tjug?l] Spain, Albania, Greece and Turkey. He returned home in 1811. In 1812 Byron published the first two parts of his major work “Childe贵公子 Harold’s Pilgrimage” in which he described his journey to foreign lands. Thus his literary activity began. It can be divided into four periods: The London period (1812-1816) “ Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” parts 1.2 1812 “The Corsair” 1814 “Lara” 1814. The Swiss period (May-October,1816) “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” part 3 “Manfred” 3.The Italian period (1816 -1823) “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” part 4 “ Don Juan” 1818-1823 “Cain” 1821 “The Vision of Judgment” 1821. 4. The Greek period (1823 – 1824) Several lyric poems Major Works She Walks in Beauty 1815她走在美的光彩中 When We Two Parted 1813与君相别离 Maid of Athens 1810雅典的女郎 Stanzas Written on the Road Between Florence and Pisa 1831 Comments On Byron She Walks in Beauty 她走在美的光彩中 She?walks?in?beauty,?like?the?night 1 Of?cloudless?climes?and?starry?skies; 2 And?all?thats?best?of?dark?and?bright 3 Meet?in?her?aspect?and?her?eyes: 4 Thus?mellowed?to?that?tender?light 5 Which?heaven?to?gaudy?day?denies. 6 One?shade?the?more,?one?ray?the?less, 7 Had?half?impaired?the?nameless?grace 8 Which?waves?in?every?raven?tress, 9 Or?softly?lightens?oer?her?face; 10 Where?thoughts?serenely?sweet?express 11 How?pure,?how?dear?their?dwelling?place. 12 And?on?that?cheek,?and?oer?that?brow, 13 So?soft,?so?calm,?yet?eloquent, 14 The?smiles?that?win,?the?tints?that?glow, 15 But?tell?of?days?in?goodness?spent, 16 A?mind?at?peace?with?all?below, 17 A?heart?whose?love?is?innocent! 18 她走在美的光彩中,象夜晚? 皎洁无云而且繁星漫天;? 明与暗的最美妙的色泽? 在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:? 耀目的白天只嫌光太强,? 它比那光亮柔和而幽暗。? ? 增加或减少一份明与暗? 就会损害这难言的


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