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Does the hiring process include a background check? confirming past employment history contacting references check with law enforcement for criminal records Are employees in sensitive positions such as security and cargo handling subject to higher level of examination and periodic checking? Personnel Security Personnel Security 6. Training Awareness Supply chain security training: Product tampering Access control on restricted areas Handling breaches Transporting goods (seal) Threat and conspiracy awareness training: a) Communicate terrorist information b) Mechanism to report suspicious behavior c) How to inform security and law enforcement Employee Training and Threat Awareness Employee Training and Threat Awareness Sample Certificate on CT-PAT Training During Orientation Refresher Training on Bi-Annual Basis Special Training for Shipping Receiving Employees Employee Training and Threat Awareness If employees notice an unauthorized person in a restricted area, they must notify their supervisor and /or security immediately. An investigation must follow to establish what the person has been doing in the restricted area until he or she was detected. Employee Training and Threat Awareness 7. Access Control Are there procedures for challenging unauthorized / unidentified persons? Are visitors issued “Visitor” identification badges? Access controls prevent the unauthorized entry to facilities, maintain control of employees and visitors, and protect company assets. In addition, access controls regulate the movement of people and products to meet the operational needs of a facility Access Control 8. Information Technology Does your facility have a written document that states that employees have to change their passwords every few months? Alternatively, your IT department could activate the option on their software program that reminds employee to change their password. Information Technology/ Computer Sys


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