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formula and symbol pronunciation 1/10 one-tenth 1/100 one per cent 1/1000 one-thousandth 1/10000 one ten-thousandth 21/2 two and one half; 42/3 four and two-thirds 0.46% point four six per cent 含小数点的数字,小数点“.”读“point”,小数点后的数若是两位以上,则分别读出。 0.5读作:point five 0.25读作:point two five 0.125读作;point one two five 93.64m读作:ninety-three point six four meters 2’15.11’’读作:two minutes fifteen point one one seconds 分数中分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。先读分子,后读分母。当分子大于1时,分母要加“s”。 1/2读作:one half 1/3读作:one third 1/4读作:one fourth 2/3读作:two thirds 1/5/9读作:one over five ninths 比较复杂的分数常常用over这个词表示。如: 317/509读作:three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine Because of There for degree perpendicular to dot infinite Varies as Nabla Round / partial x+1?????? x plus one?? x-1?????? x minus one?? x±1?????? x plus or minus one?? xy?????? xy ( x times y?)? x/y?????? x over y? ( x divided by y?) x = 5?????? x equals to 5?? x≠5?????? x is not equal to 5? ? x ? y x is approximately equal to y x ≡ y?? x is identical with y?? x y?????? x is greater than y?? x≥y?????? x is greater than or equal to y?? x y?????? x is less than y?? x≤y?????? x is less than or equal to y?? 0 x 1????zero is less than x is less than 1?? 0≤x≤1?????zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1?? | x |?????? mod x x?? x approaches infinity x∈A?????? x belongs to A x?A?????? x does not belong to A A?B?????? A is contained in B A?B?????? A contains B A∩B?????? A intersection B?? A∪B?????? A union B?? x2?????? x squared x3?????? x cubed?? x4?????? x to the fourth power xn?????? x to the nth power ? x?n?????x to the power of minus n?? root x ?? ????? cube root x? ? ?????? fourth root x ?? ????? nth root x?? square meter cubic meter ( x+y ) 2?????? x plus y all squared?? ( x/y


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