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The background of the American war of independence(美国独立战争的背景) The American war for independence(美国独立战争的导火索) The process of the American war for independence(美国独立战争的过程) The results of the American war of independence and the influence(美国独立战争的结果及影响) The U.S. constitution in 1787(美国1787年宪法) in the middle of the 18th century British north American colonies of the rapid economic development, the British North America will always do its raw material origin and commodity markets, trying to suppress the colonial economy development. The colonists discontent and exploitation of Britain, the two sides contradictions increasingly acute 18世纪中期,英属北美殖民地的经济发展迅速,英国希望北美永远做它的原料产地和商品市场,竭力压制殖民地经济发展。殖民地人民不满英国的盘剥和束缚,双方矛盾日益尖锐 The Boston tea party(波士顿倾茶事件) The first continental congress(1774年第一届大陆会议) Discuss the problem of colonies against British rule(讨论殖民地反抗英国统治的问题) To counter the sound of gunfire(来克星顿的枪声) In 1776 the second continental congress drew up the declaration of independence(1776年第二次大陆会议起草了《独立宣言》) Saratoga increasing home make the turning point of the American war for independence(萨拉托加大捷使美国独立战争的转折点) The results of the American war of independence and the influence(美国独立战争的结果及影响) On September 3, 1783 the British established formally recognized the United States(1783年9月3日英国正式承认美国的建立) The results of the American war of independence and the influence(美国独立战争的结果及影响) Victory of the war of independence, America out of British colonial rule, realized the national independence, establishes a more democratic bourgeois political system, eliminate the obstacle to the development of American capitalism(独立战争的胜利,使美国摆脱了英国的殖民统治,实现了国家的独立,确立了比较民主的资产阶级政治体制,为美国的资本主义的发展扫除了障碍) The U.S. constitution in 1787, the United States is a federal system, adopting the executive, legislative and judicial separation of powers, checks and balances principle, affirmed the bourgeois democratic republic.(美国1787年宪法规定美国是一个联邦制国家,采用行政、立法、司法三权分立,相互制衡的原则,肯定了资产阶级民主共和政体。) The origin of the statue of liberty(自由女神像的由来) St


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