英汉语言对比-4-Differences at the Lexical Level-2.ppt

英汉语言对比-4-Differences at the Lexical Level-2.ppt

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英汉语言对比-4-Differences at the Lexical Level-2

英汉语言对比-4 Differences at the Lexical Level-2 英汉词汇差异 四、英汉主导词类的比较 1、英语的名词主导 2、英语的介词优势 3、英语形容词的动态特征 4、汉语的动词主导 1、英语的名词主导 1) As a synthetic-analytic language with rich inflected forms, English predicate verbs are restricted by many inflectional rules and their use is sometimes inconvenient, so, generally, there exists only one predicate verb in an English sentence. 2) In English, many nouns derive from verbs and therefore possess the dynamic features. What’s more, their inflections are relatively simple. Therefore, these nouns are frequently used to denote actions, expressing actions, behaviors, changes, state, quality, and emotions etc. Nominalization becomes one of the major features of English. This feature is most obviously manifested in written language and academic writings, which constitutes the more static nature of English language. Preponderance of nouns over verbs Preference of abstract nouns esp. in scientific and technological writings You can rectify the fault if you insert a wedge. Rectification of this fault can be achieved by insertion of a wedge. He failed in this exam, so he felt disheartened. His failure in the exam made him disheartened. The cultivation of a hobby and new form of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. 因此对一个政府人员来说,培养业余爱好和新的兴趣是头等重要的明智之举。 2、英语的介词优势 The frequent and extensive use of prepositions in English is an inevitable result of its nominalization / the preponderance of nouns over verbs, as prepositions are usually placed before nouns or noun phrases. English prepositions, though limited in number, are flexible in usage and powerful in expressing meanings, so they are one of the most active parts of speech in English. To a tourist on a one-day visit, Cambridge will appear more beautiful, because the best part of Cambridge, with a row of colleges side by side along the banks of the River Cam, is more concentrated and easily accessible. 如果只去游览一天,剑桥看上去更漂亮,因为剑桥景色最优美的部分比较集中,也很近便


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