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Wonderful Time in Our Childhood;The memory of our childhood When we look back on our childhood当我们回首往事, Every year flowers look the same as time flies, but its not true that people do.也许是花相似,但人不同了。 How times flies, we have really grown up. 时光飞逝,我们真的长大了。; FOOD WE USED TO EAT;snack;snowman;Drink;To exchange cards with each other to get the card you want or win the card by game---we will never forget.;A original way to make popcorn—still remember??;Its a kind of flavor we’ll never forget! 这是一种风味,我们永远不会忘记!;Bubble gum 泡泡糖;The games we used to play;Classic big bubble 经典的大泡泡;Game Console 游戏机;Electronic Pets; hopscotch 跳房子游戏; ; EAST,SOUTH, WEST, NORTH which one do you prefer?;Cartoons we used to see……;Do you still remember---;Black-cat Sergeant;O(∩_∩)O哈哈~;Doraemon 哆啦a梦;They used to be our heroes and heroines;; When we were little children, we were eager for grow up quickly, but nowadays when we grow up, we began to miss the old times. With those classic melodies humming through the whole journey, we realized now that everything has changed gradually. However, when we hear the familiar melody, we seem to go back to the time that was puerile, even foolish but no worries, no anxious. colorful and pure..... 当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们渴望快快长大,但是当我们长大了,我们开始怀念以前的时光。哼着那些经典的旋律贯穿整个旅程,我们现在意识到,一切都已逐渐改变。然而,当我们听到熟悉的旋律,我们仿佛回到那稚嫩的时间,甚至愚蠢但没有烦恼,没有焦虑。丰富多彩的和纯真的.....;Don’t throw away our childhood’s dreams. 不要扔掉我们的童年梦想.; The end Thank you!!


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