英综book3unit1A Brush with the Law.doc

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英综book3unit1A Brush with the Law

Unit 1 A Brush with the Law 一、教学目的 1、了解:与课文相关的文化背景知识,如The sixties youth counterculture, “Middle class”等。掌握记叙文的文体风格和写作特点。 2、理解:理解课文的主题思想以及文中出现的复杂、疑难句式。 3、掌握: 1)课文的篇章结构和特点。 2)阅读技巧:How to use a dictionary。 3)写作技巧:Ways to write or rearrange a coherent passage。 4)语法:given, it turns out that…的用法。 4.熟练掌握并运用四级重点词汇、短语、句型。 二、教学重点 1、掌握: 1)与课文相关的文化背景知识: (1). Magistrates and the magistrates court: In England, a magistrate is a person appointed to try minor offences. He is either an unpaid layman or, in London and some other large cities, a paid judicial officer. In England, every district has a magistrates court. It is the lowest court of law. The magistrates court can only try people for minor, i.e . not very serious, offences. It cannot give prison sentences totaling more than 12 months, nor can it order fines of more than 400 pounds for one offence. (2). Lawyer, solicitor, barrister: Lawyer is the general term for anyone whose work it is to advise his clients about the law and represent them in court. A solicitor is a lawyer who gives advice, appears in lower courts, and prepares cases for a barrister to argue in a higher court. A barrister is a lawyer who has the right of speaking and arguing in the higher courts of law. If a person gets into trouble with the police, he will probably ask a solicitor to help prepare his defence and, if the defence is to be heard in a Magistrates Court, he can ask a Solicitor to appear for him and argue his case. If the case goes to a higher court, the solicitor still advises him, but he must get a barrister to appear for him. (3). The Sixties “youth counterculture”: The word “counterculture” was coined on the 1960 s for the attitude and life style of many young people who rejected conventional social values and demanded more personal freedom. The counterculture first arose in the U.S during the 1960 s and soon spread to Britain , France and other western countries. These young people were opposed to the Vietnam War and dissatisfied


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