新二L1 Jenny.ppt

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新二L1 Jenny

In the end =at last =finally. He suffered a lot. But finally/at last/in the end, he succeed. He suffered a lot. But he succeed finally/at last/in the end. none of your business. sb.’s business 指某人(所关心的或份内)的事 It is my business to look after the baby. It is none of my business to look after the baby. none She kept none of his letters. None of them can solve this problem. None of you silly remarks! 别说傻话了! go to the theatre get angry look at in the end pay attention turn around none of your business a private conversation Grammar 简单句 按照句子的结构,可以分为四种句子: 简单句 并列句 复合句 并列复合句 简单句: 由一个(组)主语和一个(组)动词所组成,不含从属分句的独立句子。 Last week I went to the theatre. A young man and a young woman were sitting and talking behind me. 简单主语 简单动词 复合主语 复合动词 语法掌 句子结构: 1. 主谓 He smiled. I walk. I don’t know. …… 2. 主谓宾 I like apples. She listened to the news. I love you. … 3. 主谓宾宾 She gave him a pen. My father bought me a little dog. Linda lent me a book. … 4. 主谓宾宾补 I find him tired. We must keep our room clean. We make them happy. … 5. 主系表 I am a teacher. She is beautiful. We feel tired. … 常见系动词: be keep stay remain seem appear prove turn grow get become make She is a teacher. He is handsome. I like bananas. You are bad. She feels cold. They look tired. I found the sky blue. I love you. My sister hates a boy. Leo is a naughty boy. That smells good. They made me sad. Jimmy ate lots of things. Grace has a sister. Mary is a quiet girl. Michael gave me a book. Ainns is not tall. Lily likes flowers. Hannah is smart. 主谓宾副地时 Order them! I drank the milk thirstily in the dinning room this morning. I drank the milk thirstily in the dinning room this morning. 形容词—副词规则 一般直接+ly, 如quickly,sadly; 以辅音+y结尾的,变y为i加ly, 如lazy-lazily, happy-happily; 以ll结尾的,直接加y,如fully 以辅音+le结尾的,变e为y,如: able-ably, single-singly; 5. 以原音+e结尾的,去e加ly,如true-truly ①形容词变副词有规律,后缀ly加上去。 辅音+y要变“i”,“ll”结尾只加y。 ②e结尾,要注意,前为元音要去e


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