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Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise? New Words blessing n. 福分,福气 disguise n. 伪装 tiny adj. 极小的 possess v. 拥有 cursed adj. 可恨的 increase v. 增加 plant v. 种植 church n. 教堂 evil adj. 坏的 reputation n. 名声 claim v. 以......为其后果 victim n. 受害者,牺牲品 vicar n. 教区牧师 source n. 来源 income n. 收入 trunk n. 树干 blessing n. 福气, 福分 1.God’s favour and protection 神恩;神的保佑 God bless you! 请接受我对你们婚姻的祝福。 Please accept my blessing upon your marriage. 2.things that one is glad of令人高兴的事 Good health is a blessing.身体健康是幸事。 3.good wishes; approval祝愿,认可 I went on trip with my parents’ blessing. 我得到父母的同意后去旅行了。 disguise n. 伪装 in disguise 穿着伪装的 a wolf in disguise 披着羊皮的狼, 被伪装的狼 a blessing in disguise 因祸得福 I had to get out of that house in disguise. 我不得不化装离开那屋子。 disguise n. 伪装 disguise sb/sth (with sth) disguise sb/sth (as sth) 假装、假扮成。。 She disguised herself as a man. 她女扮男装。 You needn’t disguise your feelings. 你不必隐瞒你的感情。 tiny adj. 极小的 possess v. 拥有 tiny = very very small sb. possess sth. 某人有某物 They possess property all over the world. 他们在世界各地均有财产。 He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk. 他决定放弃所有一切,出家为僧。 possession n. 拥有, 占有, 所有, 着迷, 领土, 领地, 财产(常用复数), 自制 in one‘s possession 某人有某物 He was found in possession of dangerous drugs. 他被发现藏有危险物品。 cursed adj. 可恨的 被诅咒的, 邪恶的 curse n.诅咒,咒语,祸根vt.诅咒,咒骂,降祸 女巫诅咒他。 The witch put a curse on him. The witch cursed him. be under a curse 遭受诅咒 lift a curse 解除诅咒 curse sb for sth increase v. 增加 n.增长 The population has increased greatly. 人口急剧增长。 an increase of a 50% increase 同义词: add to , raise, grow, enlarge 反义词: decline, decrease, reduce plant v. 种植 plant 强调把东西给种下去 plant tree 种树(只是种, 活不活不管) Tree Planting day 植树节 grow v. 生长 grow sth. 种庄稼(不但种, 还要让它生长) church n. 教堂 church加the 表示地点;church不加the 和功能有关 go to the church 去教堂玩 I am at the church. 在教堂玩 go to church 去教堂做礼拜 I am at church. 做礼拜 evil adj. 坏的 reputation n


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