新概念英语2 lesson74.ppt

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新概念英语2 lesson74

What do those stars fear of ??? get out ① (使)出去/出来(反义词为get into) Why don’t you get the dog out? The door is locked. I can’t get out. ② 走开,滚开(常用于祈使句) Now you get out of here fast! get into 进来 I’ve lost my key. I can’t get into the house. * * Can you Guess Who Are They 杨 幂 冯绍峰 章子怡 Tom Cruise Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Smith Fans, newspaper men limelight n. 舞台灯光 precaution n. 预防措施 fan n. 狂热者,迷 ;电扇 shady adj. 遮荫的 sheriff n. 司法长官 notice n. 告示 sneer n. 冷笑 Words and ExpressionS caution n. 小心 pre-(之前) cautious adj. 小心的 safety precaution 安全预防措施 fire precaution 防火办法 Take precautions against fire 谨防火灾! e.g. They have taken necessary precautions to avoid the spread of the disease. 他们已经采取必要的预防措施防止疾病的传播。 shady grass 阴凉的草地 那个乞丐躺在大街的阴面。 The beggar was lying the shady side of the street. 1. n, 布告,公告,启事,是可数名词。如: There is a notice on the office gate saying No Parking. 办公室门口上贴着一张“禁止停车”的告示 2. 通知,预告,警告,是不可数名词。如: ?These rules can‘t be changed without notice. 3. 注意, 不可数名词,常用的词组有: take notice of sb./sth.意为“注意某人/某物”。如: bring sth. to one‘s notice意为“使某人注意某事(物)”。 4. v. 注意到,留心,看到 notice sb. do sth. notice sb. doing sth. notice sth. done Did you notice his hand shaking? No one but Miss Zhou noticed the flowers on the table changed. stop by 停在...旁边 a party of=a group of 一群 get off 下车。 river bed 指河床 party表示“一行,一伙,一群”等, a party of tourists/boys(一群旅游者/男孩)等。 相当于It is the most wonderful place for a picnic. 这里是最好的野炊地点了。 表示同意:I couldnt agree more. I couldn’t agree. 我不同意 1)in case +从句 :相当于unless, 假使,万一……的话,免得,以防万一 (常用于引导条件或目的状语从句,当句子表示将来的时间时,in case后面必须用现在时态或 should/might) I’m taking a raincoat with me in case I need it. get out of here 从这里走开,滚出去,滚开 *


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