新概念英语第二册 58 课.ppt

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新概念英语第二册 58 课

Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise 是因祸得福吗? ;Lemon;Apple;Mango;Date;“Cursed” True Stories Behind famous Cursed Movies ;The Poltergeist [p?lt?ga?st] Trilogy [tr?l?d??] 恶灵三部曲 The Curse: Everyone who appeared in the poltergeist trilogy is now dead. four of the trilogys actors all died within 6 years of the first movie, One living actress said that she returned home from the set each day to find pictures on her wall askew [?skju?] ! She would then straighten them out, only to find them crooked again the next day! ;The Curse: The Superman Curse has supposedly cast a number of misfortunes on people involved in the Superman franchise [fr?nt?a?z] over the decades, from career ruin to death. First theres George Reeves, who played Superman in the 1950s TV series Adventures of Superman. He was found dead in 1959 of a single gunshot wound to the head. Christopher Reeve--eerily [i?rili] similar surname, eerily similar bad luck. After success in four Superman films he was thrown form his horse in 1995, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down ;During filming scriptwriter [skr?ptra?t?] David Seltzers plane was hit by lighting, as was star Gregory Pecks, as was executive producers Mace Neufelds‘. In the movie, the orphan boy was born with a mark of 666 in his hair, which is a symbol of antichrist [?nt?kra?st], according to the Christianity. ;Today well listen to a story about a tree with an evil reputation.;Frinley 弗林利 blessing??[blesi?] n. 福分,福气 disguise??[disɡaiz] n. 伪装 tiny??[taini] adj. 极小的 possess??[p?zes]v. 拥有 cursed??[k?:sid] adj. 可恨的 increase [inkri:s] v. 增加 plant [plɑ:nt] v. 种植 church??[t??:t?] n. 教堂 evil??[i:v?l] adj. 坏的 reputation??[.repjutei??n] n. 名声 claim??[kleim] v.以......为其后果 victim [viktim] n. 受害者,牺牲品 vicar??[vik?] n. 教区牧师 source??[s?:s] n. 来源 income??[ink?m] n. 收入 trunk??[tr??k] n. 树干 ;Today well listen to a story about a tree with an evil reputation. Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Why does the vicar refuse to cut down


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