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10.With so many people ________ by sending e-mails every day,it will become more and more important to have ________ knowledge of computers. A.communicating; a good B.communicated; good C.communicating; good D.communicated; a good 答案与解析:A 本题考查独立主格结构、非谓语动词、名词的数和冠词。句意:每天有那么多人用电子邮件传递信息,所以掌握电脑知识越来越重要了。前一空所缺词的逻辑主语是people,所以二者是主动关系,用communicating。knowledge是不可数名词,但很多不可数名词前面加了形容词后,就要加冠词了。 11.—How are you managing to do your work without an assistant? —Well,I ________ somehow. A.get along B.come on C.watch out D.set off 答案与解析:A 上句句意:没有一个助手你是如何完成工作的?此题要用get along或get on表示“应付过去”。 12.Having decided to rent a flat, we ________ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. A.set about B.set down C.set out D.set up 答案与解析:A set about“开始做”,后加动词-ing形式;set down“记下,写下”;set out“开始做”,后加to do; set up“建立,竖立”。 13.Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to one question. Leave it and come back to it later ________. A.if it necessary B.if you are necessary C.if is necessary D.if necessary 答案与解析:D 状语从句中的主语和主句主语一致且含有系动词be或从句主语是it时,常把从句主语和be省略。if necessary=if it is necessary如果必要的话。 14.—What did he want to know? —________ I could finish writing the report. A.When was it B.It was when that C.It was when D.When it was that 答案与解析:D 后面的回答补充全后应该是:He wanted to know when it was that I could finish writing the report.可知when引导的应该是宾语从句,用陈述语序,故选D项。 15.The tables and pictures help make ________ clear ________ I wasnt sure of before. A.it; for me to understand what B.it; everything C.everything; to understand what D.that; what 答案与解析:A it作形式宾语,真正宾语是to understand what I wasnt sure of before。其中what引导的从句作understand的宾语从句。 16.—Hi, Tom. Im going out for a walk along the river. —________! A.Thats all right B.Good exercise C.How nice you are D.Sounds great 答案与解析:D 考查交际用语。这里是对对方的想法的看法。Sounds great!“听起来不错!”,对上文提出的建议表示赞同。How nice you are!“你真是太好了!”,表示感谢的用语。Thats all right.“不客气”。 17.She was frightened out of her life, but she appeared to stay ________. A.silent B.quiet C.calm


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