英语必修2课件_unit2 the Olympic games 语法.ppt

英语必修2课件_unit2 the Olympic games 语法.ppt

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英语必修2课件_unit2 the Olympic games 语法

课时分配 Checking answer – I (3m) Answer keys for Ex.2 on Page 12: 1. honest 2. medal 3. gymnasium 4. stadium 5. admit Checking answer – II (4m) Answer keys for Ex.3 on Page 12: take part in prize medal honest Checking answer – III ( 4m ) Answer keys for Ex.5 on Page 12: Useful structure ( 30m ) Active and Passive Voice Forming Tenses of Passive Verbs Uses of Passive Voice Changing a sentence from the active voice to the passive voice involves 3 steps: Changing the verb involves three steps: 1. check the verb tense; use the verb “be” in the same tense; 2. change the verb into a past participle; put this verb after the form of “be”; 3. check that the new verb goes with the new subject. Examples: The Future Passive Voice This is Ted’s photo. We miss him a lot. He _______ trying to save a child in the earthquake. A. killed B. is killed C. was killed D. was killing 2. Visitors _______ not to touch the exhibits. A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested 3. We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it _________ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went D. carried on 4. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood ________ to her mother. A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing 5. It is generally believed that teaching is _________ it is a science. A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much as art as 6. At this time tomorrow _______ over the Atlantic. A. we’re going to fly B. we’ll be flying C. we’ll fly D. we’re to fly 7. I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children’s __________. A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place Homework 1. Summarize the rules of the Future Passive Voice in your own way. 2. Finish the exercises of “Discover


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