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Learning objectives Self-study guidance (1) 1.Please go through the page 36,then answer the questions: How to organize a report? Self-guidance (2) Please go through the notes, organize the notes below into a proper order, write the correct numbers in the boxes. Cooperation and discussion Read the report below on p37,then answer the questions: 1.What is the report about? 2.How did you find the information? 3.What have you found out or proved in the report. 4.What is its conclusion ? 1.What is the report about? This report is about how to be polite. 2.How did you find the information? On the internet 3.What have you found out or proved in the report? Some words can be used to help us to be polite. 4.What is its conclusion ? We need to know the customs of a country so that we do not make others embarrassed or annoyed. Self-assessment Finish the writing concerning the workbook on the page 61. Task Writing on body language Revision: Formulating written questions Get to the point! Give all necessary background information. Use simple language 1.Master the writing skills about a report on body language. 2. Write a report about the daily average amount of time of the students ‘after -class activities. Introduction—What the report is about. Method—How did you find the information. Results—What you found out or proved in your report. 4. Conclusion—A summary of the report. It sometimes includes advice. Instructions: 8 4 2 6 3 5 1 9 7 Answers: Tips: Avoid using the first person in report. The passive in the past tense can be used to describe what you did. Homework Preview the text on the page 38 39 and new words. Revise the tips on formulating written questions learned in the last lesson. 【设计说明】复习上节课所学内容,一方面,可以督促学生复习巩固,及时检验教学效果;另一方面,也是“温故而知新”的要求,复习内容有助于自然过渡到新授课的内容。 * The teacher gives instructions on organization of a report. Give explanations to the main elements.


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