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Name For or against Reasons Tina Li Qian For. Against. 1 An old part of town will be improved. 2 They will have more jobs. 1 He hates all that expensive tasteless food. 2 He loves local dishes. 3 McDonald’s provides a terrible diet for young children. Do you want a McDonald’s in our town? Come to a meeting tonight in the town hall to discuss if 1. we need another restaurant in our town, 2. we need other community buildings, 3. McDonald’s would be good for our town Time: 7:30 pm Date: Friday April 1/ 2011 Garden Community Topic For building a M Against building a M Healthy food Transport jobs high quality, safe and healthy high levels of salt, sugar and fat They will provide parking for cars They will provide jobs and value their employees. 1.There are too many cars 2. They produce fumes 3.They slow down traffic. They don’t let employees join a workers’ union to speak up for them. Language Points 1.I was excited when I heard that our community was to have its own McDonald’s restaurant. 当我听说我们社区即将有自己的麦当劳餐馆时, 我非常兴奋。 one’s own +sth. 某人自己的东西 sth. of one’s own. 属于某人自己的东西 on one’s own (independently)靠自己、独自 2. McDonald’s cares about healthy eating too and works with scientists to provide food that is of high quality, safe and healthy. 麦当劳也关心健康饮食,他们同科学家合作提供 高质量、安全和健康的食品。 of high quality 介词短语做表语 联想: (1)be of + 抽象n. = be + 相应的adj. be of importance/ value= be important/ valuable (2)be of + a/an + n. (size, age, kind, height, weight, shape, color 等) 同一… 3. McDonald’s says they are interested in doing what is right for the community and being a good neighbour. 麦当劳表明他们有意趣做对社区正确的事情,并成为一个好邻居。 4.McDonald’s makes a promise to the people who work for them. 麦当劳对为他们工作的人做出承诺。 promise (sb.) to do sth. 答应(某人)做某事 make a promise keep one’s promise carry out a/one’s promise break one’s promise promising adj. 有出息的、有前途的、有希望的 I. Read t


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