英语毕业论文 The feedback of English writing.doc

英语毕业论文 The feedback of English writing.doc

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英语毕业论文 The feedback of English writing

The feedback of English writing Contents I Introduction 3 II The Process of Writing 3 III group Revision 3 1The first revision 4 2The second revision 5 3Problem related to group discussion 5 IV Feedback 7 1The background of the feedback in China 7 2How to improve the students’ writing skills though effective use of the feed back 7 V Conclusion 9 VI References 9 Abstract There have been a lot of complains from the teachers who teach English writing in China on the correcting students’ work and the low efficiency involved. In writing class, students often puzzled about how to write good idea on the composition topic though teachers usually spend most of the time talking about the writing skills. The students can’t express themselves and others exactly and improve writing skills. Based on the researchers’ finding and the many-year teaching practice. The author describes the process of the writing and some ways of helping students improve their writing using group revisions, feed back and so on . Key words the English writing ,the process of writing ,group revision ,feed back 摘要 一直有来自负担着修正学生作业的英语老师的抱怨。在写作课上,即使老师们花费大量的时间谈论写作技能,但是学生们仍然对于怎样写出好的作文主体而感到困惑。学生们不能准确的表达自己的或者他人的思想,也不能改进自己的写作技能。基于研究者的发现和多年的教学经验,作者描述了如何用小组讨论、信息反馈等手段来提高学生的写作能力。 关键词:英语写作 写作过程 小组讨论 信息反馈 The feedback of English writing I Introduction Writing is a productive skill of languages, which usually cones at the four languages skill. Many students find it difficult when they write either because they don’t know how to write or because they don’t have anything to write .As a result , they will feel headache while meeting the English writing .I hope this will be helpful for the students to write better compositions and thus the quality of communication through English in daily life ,in exams. II The process of writing Before writing a composition ,you must know the process of writing .It is very necessary that the students know this . When I teach the writing p


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