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CHINADAILYnbsp;晚报nbsp;8.11 【Highlights】 Special allowance to veterans抗战老兵将获5千元补助 Yuan weakens most in 20 yrs人民币中间价大幅下调? Property market recovers一线城市房价创5年新高 Water bottle found on Reunion留尼汪岛现中文字水瓶 Alibaba buys stake in Suning阿里巴巴苏宁战略互投 Googles surprise restructuring谷歌重组成立Alphabet Breakup: Men never recover分手后男人情伤更难愈 Cake breaks Guinness record有声:蛋糕破吉尼斯纪录 【Top News】 Special allowance to veterans抗战老兵将获5千元补助 Some of Chinas veterans who fought in the War of ResistanceAgainst Japanese Aggression will receive a special allowance ofRMB5,000 ahead of the 70th anniversary of the victory. Theallowance will be handed out to the veterans before September atthe request of the central government, according to a circularreleased Tuesday by the ministries of civil affairs and finance.Some of the Kuomintang Party soldiers who fought in the war alsowill receive the allowance. 民政部、财政部11日发布通知称,在纪念抗战胜利70周年之际,根据中央要求,将向部分健在的抗战老战士发放一次性生活补助金5000元。各地将在9月份之前把补助金发放到抗战老战士手中。部分国民党抗战老兵也是本次补助的发放对象。(民政部网站) Yuan weakens most in 20 yrs人民币中间价大幅下调? The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) cut its daily reference ratefor the yuan by a record 1.9%, triggering the yuans biggestone-day loss since 1994. The central banks move sent the onshoreyuan down 2% at 6.3323 against the US dollar, as of 10 am Tuesday.The change was a one-time adjustment, the central bank said in astatement, adding that it plans to keep the yuan stable at areasonable level and will strengthen the markets role indetermining the fixing. PBOC said in the statement it was nowbasing the yuans midpoint on market makers quotes and theprevious days closing price. 央行将人民币兑美元中间价下调1.9%,为历史最大降幅,受此影响,今日人民币单日贬值幅度创1994年以来的新低。截至11日上午10点,在岸人民币兑美元跌幅扩大至2%,报6.3323。央行在一份声明中称,这次变动是一次性调整,计划让人民币稳定在合理平衡范围内,并将增强市场对中间价的决定作用。央行在声明中称,今后将参考上日银行间外汇市场收盘汇率,综合考虑做市商报价来决定中间价。(外媒)? Property market recovers一线城市房价创5年新高 Chinas property market showed strong sign of recovery in the2nd quarter as sales prices and volumes both surged, a surveyshowed. The average sale price in 30 sample ci


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