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高一英语阅读理解专练 A When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in the modern era,two university students who lost their lives to rescue drowning children have shown that heroes still exist(存在)According to the Inner Mongolia Morning Post,the tragedy(悲剧) occurred on the afternoon of December 14,2002 when three school students skating on a frozen lake in Qingcheng Park in Hohhot fell through the ice into the freezing water. More than 20 university students who happened to be near the spot immediately went to the rescue of the children?Two children were quickly rescued,but the third died.The childs body was not found for three hoursTwo of the rescuers,Liu Ye and Hao Longbiao,also died of cold and exhaustion(筋疲力尽)The body of Hao who took the lead in jumping into the lake was not found until the next day.A student who was unwilling to tell his name said he and his classmates from the local college were taking photos at the lake. When they heard the childrens cries for help, they went to the ice hole hand in hand to rescue the children. But the ice kept breaking, causing most of them to fall into the icy water. Local residents held mourning ceremonies(祭奠仪式) at the lake. Eight of the students were seriously affected by the freezing water and were being kept in hospital for further observation, but their lives were no longer in danger. 1.The underlined word “occurred” here means“____”. Aemployed B. mixed C. guided D. happened 2.When the three students fell into water,the university students were _____. Askating on the ice B. taking photos at the lake C. having a picnic D. walking along the lake 3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AThree students died on the same day in all. BHao Longbiao’s body was found on December 14,2002. C.The university students didn’t think it dangerous to save the drowning children in the lake. D Local residents were not brave in face of danger. 4.It can be inferred tha


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