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2012高考英语精选备考题库系列(含详解) 单项选择(一) 备战2012高考,精选1000道单项选择,希望对各位同学有帮助。2011.8 1.All the students,you should briefly ________ the main arguments before writing. A.remind B.identify C.observe D.summarise 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:你们所有的学生在写作之前应该简要地概括一下主要论点。A.“提醒”;B.“确认,鉴定”;C.“观察”;D.“总结,概括”。故正确答案是D。 答案:D 2.Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be ________ to the kids. A.accessible B.relative C.acceptable D.sensitive 解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:Frank将药放在上层抽屉里,以确保其不容易让孩子们拿到。accessible常与to搭配,意为“为……容易取得的”,符合题意。B项意为“相对的”;C项意为“可接受的”;D项意为“敏感的”。 答案:A 3.There used to be a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live ________ its surroundings. A.in connection with B.in harmony with C.in favor of D.in relation to 解析:live in harmony with...意为“与……和睦相处”。 答案:B 4.It is said that the murderer has employed a famous lawyer to ________ him. A.protect B.protect for C.defend D.defend for 解析:defend sb.“为某人辩护”,defend是及物动词。 答案:C 5.—Anything to ________? —Yes,enough must be done before to ________ any possible accident. A.mention;keep B.remind;control C.say;stop D.stress;prevent 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:“还有要强调的吗?”“是的,为了防止可能发生的事故,之前应采取足够的措施。”第一空中使用mention“提及”,say,stress“强调”都说得通,但由于第二句意思的限制,只能用stress。 答案:D 6.He was ________ to give up smoking,but he refused. A.advised B.persuaded C.suggested D.had 解析:advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”;persuade sb. to do“说服了某人做某事”;suggest doing sth.“建议做某事”。 答案:A 7.They ________ him to prepare for the coming exam,but he spent all day playing computer games. A.persuaded B.urged C.suggested D.made 解析:句意:他们要求他为即将到来的考试做准备,但他整天玩电脑游戏。persuade sb.to do sth.“说服某人做某事”,与后半句句意矛盾;urge sb.to do sth.“强烈要求某人做某事”;suggest不与sb.to do sth.连用;make后的不定式复合结构应不带to。 答案:B 8.After graduating from college,Joe ________ for a year before he went into his fathers business. A.knocked down B.knocked over C.knocked about D.knocked off 解析:考查knock动词短语在语境中的应用。句意:在大学毕业后,Joe闲逛了一年才到父亲的公司去上班。knock about“闲逛,漫游”;knock down“拆除”;knock over“打翻”;knock off“敲掉;击倒;降低(速度,价格)”。根据句意,此题正确的选项为C。 答案:C 9.John


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