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Lesson 9  A cold welcome 冷遇 单词学习 【New words and expressions】生词和短语(7) welcome   n. 欢迎; v. 欢迎 crowd n. 人群 gather v. 聚集 hand n. (表或机器的)指针 shout v. 喊叫 refuse v. 拒绝 laugh v. 笑 welcome 1) interj. 迎接时打招呼用语 eg. Welcome! Come in please. 欢迎!请进! eg. Welcome home. 欢迎回家。 eg. Welcome back. 欢迎回来。 eg. Welcome to China. 欢迎来中国。 eg. Welcome to Beijing.   欢迎来北京。 2) n. 接待,欢迎,相当于:greeting, reception a cold welcome 冷遇 a warm welcome 热烈欢迎 3) adj. 受欢迎的,令人愉快的 a welcome change 受欢迎的改变 welcome news 受欢迎的消息,令人愉快的消息 4) vt. 欢迎,迎接 (greet) eg. The clock refused to welcome the new year. 大钟拒绝迎接新年。 eg. The children flew to welcome their mother. 孩子们飞奔着去迎接妈妈。 5) You are welcome. (用作答谢的客套话) crowd   n. 人群 a large number of people gathered together the crowd          人们,人群 eg.  He pushed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群。 a large crowd of people    一大群人 eg. There was a crowd of 20,000 people at the football match. 在足球赛上有20,000多人。 crowded   adj. 拥挤的 a crowded train         拥挤的火车 crowd   (口) 伙伴 the college crowd        大学同学,大学伙伴 in crowds            成群结队,成群地 raise oneself above the crowd   出类拔萃,出人头地 gather 1) v. 聚集 collect together, come together in one place eg. A crowd soon gathered. 一群人立刻聚了起来。 eg. The clouds speedily gathered again. 很快乌云又密布了。 eg. Gather round and Ill tell you a secret. 大家聚过来,我告诉你们一个秘密。 2) 获知,推测 eg. I gathered from her remarks that she wasnt satisfied with her job. 我从她的评论得知她对工作并不满意。 3) 把衣服裹在身上 eg. She gathered a shawl around herself. 她把披肩围在身上。 shawl [??:l] (女用)披肩,围巾 hand 1) 手 the back of the hand 手背 lend a child by the hand 牵着一个孩子 give sb a hand 帮某人一个忙 raise ones hand 举手 shake hands 握手 wave ones hand 挥手 wash ones hands 洗手; 洗手不干 2) 指针 the minute hand 分钟 the hour hand 时针 the second hand 秒针;二手的 3) 方向,侧 eg. I


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