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西城二模试卷讲评 2015年高考又换成肖老师命题。但考试原则不会变。1 依据明晰。教育部《考试大纲》,《课标》,《考试说明》2 注重基础(基础知识,基本技能)3强调应用(工具性,交际性)4兼顾人文(思想性,教育性,情态价)5严格选材(原汁原味,西方正规网站,全面考虑各种题材,体裁) 6 沿着贴近时代,贴近学生,贴近生活的原则命题。7写作追求小词好文,尽量避免大词小用,口语体偏重等情况。 典型性错误 Do you want to see the Chinese paintings with me? I am writing for you to tell you something about a coming article presentation. There will be more than 100 paintings of Zhang Daqian, a fabulous artist in 20 century, who had a great achievement on landscape and did well in many types of art. There will be presented more than 100 famous paintings which was created by Master Zhang daqian. I’m positive you will get many knowledges from his paintings whose amount is more than 100. I’m looking forward to your reply. 好词好句 Knowing that you are keen on Chinese paintings, I can’t wait to tell you that there will be an exhibition of Zhang Daqian’s paintings at the National Art Museum from May 10th to 25th . (王明辉) In addition, the coming exhibition will display over 100 of his masterpieces.(张彤) I’m sure that you will be content with it, for Zhang Daqian is one of the greatest Chinese painters of the 20th century and he is a master at landscapes.(魏蓝天) Among all the types, he has great achievement in landscapes. (钟梦彤) I hope you will enjoy this visual feast.(赵萌杰) 文章修改 佳片欣赏 Dear Tom, I know you love Chinese paintings. Here is a piece of good news for you. There will be an exhibition of Zhang Daqian’s paintings at the National Art Museum of China from May 10st to 25th. As you know, Mr. Zhang, one of the most famous Chinese painters of the 20th century, was a master at many types of painting, especially landscapes. The coming exhibition will be composed of more than 100 of his masterpieces. I believe it will be a great time for all his fans. Don’t miss it. If you need further information, just let me know. Yours, Li Hua 典型性错误 This morning, running along the silence path through the park, Suddenly, I noticed a black wallet left on the public chairs. Hardly had I jo


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