西方音乐介绍west music.ppt

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西方音乐介绍west music

Body Classical music Rock RB The Beatles Country music early music period Medieval(500-1400)Renaissance Baroque period(1600-1750) Classical period(1750-1830) Romantic period(1815-1910) As the bassist(贝斯手) of the Beatles, he is considered the symbol of music in the 20th century, and is recorded in the Guinness World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录)as the most successful composer(作曲家) in history. The musical combination of Paul McCartney and John Lennon is the most successful and influential one in the world. They wrote numerous popular songs when working together. Paul McCartney 保罗·麦卡特尼 (1942.6.18- ) He is the lead guitarist(主吉他手) of the Beatles. In1958, as a good friend of Paul McCartney, George Harrison joined the Beatles. The Beatles was basically formed afterwards. George Harrison was attracted by Indian music and philosophy, which deeply influenced his life and musical composition(音乐创作). George Harrison 乔治·哈里森 (1943.2.25-2001.10.29) He is the drummer of the Beatles. Actually, he was not one of the members of the Beatles when it was originally formed. Two other members had quit for some reason before his join. Ringo Starr’s excellent use of the drummer indeed added much power to their songs. Ringo Starr 林戈·斯塔尔 (1940.7.7- ) The rise of the Beatles claimed the end of American rule over England in the pop music field. The Beatles’ music conquered the whole world in just a few years. Young people were crazy for them to an extreme extent - they would burst into tears and become hysteric(歇斯底里) when seeing the Beatles. MUSIC Classical music History of European classical music Baroque period(1600-1750) 巴洛克时期 Johann Sebastian Bach (约翰 塞巴斯蒂安 巴赫) (1685——1750) 代表作: 《平均律钢琴曲集》 《马太受难乐》 《勃兰登堡协奏曲》 他的作品奠定了西洋音乐几乎作品样式的体例基础,被誉为“西方音乐之父”。 Classical period(1750-1830) 古典主义时期 Ludwig van Beethoven(路德维希 凡 贝多芬) 1770——1827 代表作: 《春》 《月光》 《命运交响曲》 《欢乐颂》 Romantic period(1815-1910) 浪漫主义时期 F.F.Chopin 1810─1849 (弗里德里克 肖邦 1810——1849) 代表作: 《夜曲》 《玛祖卡》 《华尔兹》 被誉


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