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Chapter 3 The Church-Turing Thesis Models of Computing Devices Finite automata Tape head moves only in one direction Tape is read-only The length of tape is constant Pushdown automata Tape head moves only in one direction Tape is read-only, but stack is writable Tape length is constant, but stack in unbounded Stack is accessible only in FILO way Conclusion Both DFA and PDA are handicapped machines with limited computation power. They are too restricted to serve as model of general purpose computers. Considering more powerful model for computation: Writable and two way tape Random access memory Turing Machines After Alan M. Turing (1912–1954) In 1936, Turing introduced his abstract model for computation in his article “On Computable Numbers,”. At the same time, Alonzo Church published similar ideas and results. reach the same goal by different routes However, the Turing model has become the standard model in theoretical computer science. 3.1.1 Informal Description TM Input Convention Input Convention Output Convention Turing Machine 元组式定义 A Turing machine M is defined by a 7-tuple (Q,S,G,d,q0,qaccept,qreject), with 1. Q finite set of states 状态集合,相当于程序标号 2. S finite input alphabet (without “_”) 输入字母表 3. G finite tape alphabet with { _ } è S í G 带字母表 4. q0 start state ? Q 开始状态 5. qaccept accept state ? Q 接受状态 6. qreject reject state ? Q 拒绝状态 7. d the transition function 转移函数相当于移动+goto Configuration of a TM 格局 =状态+已经处理部分+今后任务, 目前形式与任务 The configuration of a Turing machine consists of the current state q? Q the current tape contents ? G* the current head location ? {0,1,2,…} This can be expressed as an element of G*×Q ×G*: Configuration of a TM 格局=状态+已经处理部分+今后任务, 目前形式与任务 The configuration of a Turing machine consists of the current state q? Q the current tape contents ? G* the current head location ? {0,1,2,…} This can be expressed as an element of G*×Q ×G*: An Elementary TM Step Terminology 格局 starting configuration on input w: “q0w” 初始格局 accepting configuration: “


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