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计算机专业英语 Unit9 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence cognise/cognize [k?ɡ`naiz] vt.认知,认识 cognition [k?g`n???n]? n. 认识; 认识力 cognitive [`k?gn?t?v] adj.认识的; 有认识力的 cognizant adj. 知道的; 意识到的 cognizance n.认识,,审理,认定 ,认识范围 cognizable adj.可感知的;易识别的 cognitivism n.认知主义 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence diagnose [`dai?ɡn?uz] vt. 诊断 判断 diagnoses n. 诊断,评价 diagnosable adj. 可诊断的 diagnosis [,d???g`n??s?s]? n.诊断法/结论 diagnostic adj. 诊断的, 特征的 diagnostics n. 诊断学 diagnostically adv.诊断上,按照诊断 diagnostician n.诊断医生,诊断专家 diagnostication. n.诊断,判断 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence AI is a branch of computer science concerned with the study and creation of computer systems that exhibit some form of intelligence: systems that learn new concepts and tasks, systems that can reason and draw useful conclusions about the world around us, systems that can understand a natural language or perceive and comprehend a visual scene, and systems that perform other types of feats that require human types of intelligence. 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence AI是计算机科学的一个分支,它涉及研究和创建显示某种形式智能的计算机系统:学习新概念和新任务的系统、能关于我们周围的世界进行推理和得出有用结论的系统、能理解自然语言或理解和领会视觉场景的系统,以及执行需要人的各类智能的其他种类技能的系统。 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence Like other definitions of complex topics, an understanding of AI requires an understanding of related terms such as intelligence .knowledge, reasoning, thought, cognition, learning. and a number of computer-related terms. 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence 像其他一些对复杂标题的定义一样,对AI的理解需要对相关术语的理解,诸如智能、知识、推理、思维、认知、学习和若干计算机相关的术语。 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence While we lack precise scientific definitions for many of these terms, we can give general definitions of them. And, of course, one of the objectives of this text is to impart special meaning to all of the terms related to AI, including their operational meanings. 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence 尽管我们对于这些术语中很多术语缺少精确的科学定义,但我们能够给出它们的大体定义。当然,本课文的目标之一是对与AI相关的所有术


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