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Genesis2000钻孔制作教程 Genesis2000 drilling tutorial Do the drill hole chart with: (a drill with the province) Edit - Copy - Other Layer to copy a hole chart into a new layer, a new layer named drill with DRL, open the drill with the view layer, Size annotation table size and unit, find the corresponding graphics and symbols, replaced by a substitute command Edit - Reshape - Substitute, Symbol column values for the corresponding size. Click on the coordinate bar, click on the icon in the center point of operation or OK, the same steps to change the rest of the icon. Separate numbers * + numbers placed in the final change. After the completion of the plate outside the object (shape, frame and callout list) all deleted, after doing a good job in the property table as DRL attributes. To do with the drill hole chart: (a hole province) Directly open the drill with the layer in the layer name right click Select Create Drill Map to create maps, in the dialog box, Drill Layer: Map Layer: by default, bar hole layer, select the size of unit, OK, in the other layers to copy a box to the hole shape layer. Therefore, the command generated tool table shape is too large, you can use the command to clear the area, select the contents of the hole map do not need, point Apply can run. Check the drilling belt: Open belt and drill hole chart. Check the hole chart in the annotation table, in the drill with layer left click, select the Drill Tools Manager Drill Tools Manager window will appear, GDD DRL (the hole chart) no circle (drilling) belongs to low porosity, single open hole chart. Use the box selection command to select all the holes that are missing, and copy the Edit Layer Copy Other to the DRL (drill tape) layer and click Ok! Open the drill with, use the radio command radio all rings, remember the ring thick line, with DFM - Cleanup - Construct Pads (Ref) hand slap, click on the third map (Run On Features Inside. Profile) operating within the phantom object, and then double-click t



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