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An object is said to possess kinetic energy if it is moving. 如果一个物体在运动,就可以说它有了动能。(进行时) We have learned how to fit the computer. 我们已经学会了怎样安装电脑。(完成时) Reamers are used to finish drilled holes. 绞刀用来将已经钻好了的孔进行精加工。(过去分词表示“完成”的状态) 6. 补充语气连贯性词语: The reliability of semiconductor devices is very important, especially in space applications. 半导体器件的可靠性至关重要, 特别是在空间技术应用中尤其如此。 Take the case of the hydrogen atom. It has only one electron in the shell. How many electrons more are needed to complete this shell? The answer is one. 以氢原子为例,它的壳层中仅有一个电子,还需要加几个电子来补满这个壳层呢?回答是:还需要一个。 (二)减词译法 有时在英语句子必不可少的词,在汉语中有时是可有可无,甚至是多余的。这时,汉译时必须省译。英语中的介词、连接词、代词、冠词等在汉译时也常常省译。 Now that we are all here, we begin to make our experiment at once. 直译:既然我们都到齐了,我们立刻开始我们的实验。 正译:都到齐了,我们立刻开始做实验吧。 If the wire has small cross section, the electric current which flows through it per second will be small in quantity. 直译:如果导线的截面积小,每秒钟通过导线的电流在数量方面将是小的。 正译:导线的截面积小,每秒钟所流过的电流就小。 1. 省译从修辞角度看不必重复的词 Steel contains a smaller proportion of carbon than cast iron contains. 钢的含碳率比铸铁小。(第二个contains 系重复词) Matter is constantly changing and is constantly moving. 物质在不断地变化和运动着。 2. 省译逻辑上不必要的说明语 The present process of making steel from iron in only about 100 years old. 目前的炼钢法只有约100年的历史。(不必译出“由铁炼钢的方法”) Domestic lighting circuits should be at least two in number. 家用照明电路至少应该是两条。 (不必译出“在数量上是两条”) 3. 省译修辞上所不需要的词 Copper is a material which has the property of elasticity. 铜是一种具有弹性的材料。(省译property因为“弹性”已表明“性质” To start a car moving, work must be done on it. 要开动汽车,就必须对它做功。(不必译为“开动汽车运动”) There are two kinds of materials used in engineering. 工程材料有两种。(不必译为“工程中所使用的材料”“工程材料”自然是“使用在工程中”的。) A generator can not produce energy, what it does is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. 发电机不能产生能量,它只是把机械能变为电能. (省译“它所做的事”) Lesson 4 gears 背景资料 译文 ??? 齿轮传动用来传递任意两轴间的运动和动力,其圆周速度可达到300m/s,传递功率可达105KW,齿轮直径可从不到1mm到150m以上,是现代机械中应用最广的一种机械传动。 ??? Lesson 4 Gears Gears are toothed ,cylindrical wheels used for transmitting motio


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