高一英语必修一Unit 1小测试.doc

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高一英语必修一Unit 1小测试

———— Unit 1 单元小测---------------- Class ______________Name ___________________ Marks_________________ I. 基础词汇(). 构词法 : 用所给词适当形式句子5分) After he had experienced so much ______________, the _________( suffer) was in despair. After Chairmen Mao came into power in China, our country became more __________than before , compared with those __________ countries in Africa.. (power) –Can you tell me the total number of the students in our class? Is it 50? -__________, you are right. (exact) 14. -Have the two countries agreed with each other? Have they signed any __________? -Not yet. Actually, they ___________ with each other on this matter. (agree) 15. Never ignore any detail in this passage, because you will show your _________ when you are ____________ about the content of it. (ignore) 16. The window is quite __________ because there is a lot of dust.( dust) 17. They came from __________(entire) different backgrounds. 18. Your mother was __________ about you when people talked about the matter ___________ you. (concern) 19. After his ___________from his illness, he became more optimistic than before. (recover) 20. He went to ______ (German) for higher education. C . 短语翻译 (每个0.5分,共5分) 21. 一连串_______________________ 22. 写下;放下;登记_______________________ 23. 在黄昏时刻 ______________________ 24. 故意 _______________________ 25. 与……无关_____________________ 26. 与……相处; 进展_____________________ 27. 对……厌烦 _________________ 28. 对…十分狂热/痴迷 ____________________ 29. 合计 ____________________ 30 经历; 经受 _____________________ II. 语言运用 A0.5分,满分10分) 1. The little boy was grateful _______ the coach for his letting him _______ the game. A. for; join in B. to; to join in C. with; join D. to; join in 2. With a local guide ______ the way, they had no trouble _______ out of the forest. A. leading; walking B. led; walked C. lead; walking D. leads; walking 3. The teacher told the students that there ________ meeting at three o’cloc


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