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Section Ⅰ Warming Up and Reading  基础夯实 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I studied ________ (财经) when I was in college. 2.Huge ________ (金额) have been invested in this project. 3.It is a ________ (逻辑) idea from a childs point of view. 4.The ________ (人造的) flowers were made of paper and cloth. 5.________ (就个人而言) speaking, Im in favour of the scheme. 6.The theory is ________ (简化) to make it easier to understand. 7.The house looks very old, but in ________ (现实) its quite new. 8.So far, we have received 400 ________ (申请) for the job. 9.He is an ________ (有才智的) boy, but he is very unsure of himself. 10.I am eager to ________ (探索) the secrets of space. 答案 1.finance 2.sums 3.logical 4.artificial 5.Personally 6.simplified 7.reality 8.applications 9.intelligent 10.explore Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Friendship is a(n) ____________ (universe) key to open everyones heart. 2.I hope you will enjoy the book and find ideas in it to ________ (simple) your life. 3.Hello, ________ (operate)? Could you put me through to Room 31? 4.Human beings are the most intelligent of all animals because we have the ability to think and reason ________ (logical). 5.The software can be changed by the ____________ (apply) programme. 6.There is a difference between wisdom and ________ (intelligent). A person may have one without the other. 7.His dream of opening a restaurant became a(n) ________ (real) in 1994. 8.He dreamed of going to work in his own ________ (person) company. 9.I cannot ________ (total) agree with you, but I think what you said just now is partly reasonable. 10.I think ________ (happy) depends on our attitudes to life. 答案 1.universal 2.simplify 3.operator 4.logically 5.application 6.intelligence 7.reality 8.personal 9.totally 10.happiness Ⅲ.单项填空 1.As time went ________, she became more and more interested in English. A.by B.down C.up D.off [解析] go by“走过;经过;流逝”;go down“下去;下降”;go up“上升;上涨;被建造起来”;go off“离去;去世;消失;断掉”。句意:随着时间的流逝,她对英语越来越感兴趣。故选A项。 [答案] A 2.She is ________ that we all want to make friends with her. A.a


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