高三 uint12 Warming up.ppt

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高三 uint12 Warming up

Unit 12 Education Warming up Do you know any famous educator in china or other countries ? Make a list of some famous educators you know. What do you know about him? Confucius Confucius (Kongfuzi) 551-479 BC the end of the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history. the dominant Chinese philosopher both morally and politically. Confucius Confucianism, major system of thought in China, developed from the teachings of Confucius and his disciples, and concerned with the principles of good conduct, practical wisdom, and proper social relationships. Confucianism has influenced the Chinese attitude toward life, set the patterns of living and standards of social value, and provided the background for Chinese political theories and institutions. What do you know about him? Anton Makarenko Makarenko, Anton Semyonovich, 1888–1939, Russian educator. In the 1920s, Makarenko organized the Gorky Colony, a home for children left homeless by the Russian Revolution of Oct., 1917. In 1931 became head of Dzerzhinsky Commune, an institution for juvenile offenders. A supporter of Stalin, his theories emphasized the importance of physical labor, discipline, and the collective in education. What do you know about her? Annie Sullivan Annie Sullivan was born on April 14th, 1866. On March 3rd, 1887, Annie Sullivan met Helen Keller for the first time, she was to be her governess. Annie Sullivan Annie helped Helen talk, read, write and feel things. Annie made Helen happy and helped her to have a good life. In 1900, Annie helped Helen get into college and Helen graduated in 1904. On October 19th, 1936, Annie Sullivan passed away, leaving Helen Keller by herself. What do you know about him? Tao Xingzhi Born on October 18 in 1891 in Anhui Province he went to study in the US after graduating from Jinling University in 1914. Back to China in 1917. Tao believed that education is an active, constructive process in real-life experiences rather than o


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