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高三一诊试题评讲 blame sb. for sth. /doing sth. sb.be to blame? [注意]此处不能用被动语态。 1. The mother didn‘t know ____ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. (NMET2002) A. who????? B. when?? C. how??????? D. what A 2. I feel it is your husband who ____ for the spoiled child.(2002年上海高考) A. is to blame? B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed? D. should blame A shrug [?r?ɡ] vt. 耸肩 ancestor [?nsest?(r)] n. 祖先 make a breakthrough 突破;攻破 unique [j?ni:k]adj. 唯一的, wipe [wa?p] vt. 擦 wipe out 擦净;消灭 in tune with 与…协调, 与…一致 His ideas are in tune with the times. I support the campaign because Im in tune with its aims. 作文高档短语以及句型: 1.奠定了坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation 2.是学习的基本保障 is a basic guarantee of study 3.我赞成体育纳入高考 I agree that physical examination should be brought into the National College Entrance Examination. 赞成,反对表达地道 短语,句式运用地道,适当 There is a great need for sb. to do sth. Taking exercise is to our advantage. be based on It’s a guarantee to study well Only when /if … can we… Not only…. but also…. …, for the physical quaity is one of the essential quality for students. A strong body leads to a further study available. In my opinion, it is essential to put PE into the College Entrance Examination because it can not only provide our students with a stronger body but also develop the strength of our spirits . In other words, I can’t agree more. As we know, more and more pressure of study we have to face now so that a strong body is of vital importance to help us shoulder the pressure. Moreover, if we got ill, more time will be taken for us to recover and our study progress will be influenced. As far as I’m concerned ,schools have the responsibility to require students to exercise one hour ever day at least. Meanwhile ,schools are supposed to hold more outdoor activities in order to make sure that each student is in good health. In a word,more and more attention should be paid to students’health.


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