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高三二部英语学科导学案 Unit4(Book11) Legends lf ancient Greece ·(There is no Toyal road to learning) Ⅰ. key words and expressions 1.split vt/vi分开,分离 pt jp’p p’p [原文再现]…there was always ghe possibity that it could 重要短语:Split into small kingdoms E→C Split…into… Split…between… Split…with… [学以致用]His time is the Londen and paris lffies. She the class 4groups of 10. She disapproues of the money her brother. 2.violate vt违反(犯);破坏 n [原文再现]On his way home he violated rules of Hospitality and attacked his host. E→C 重要短语:Violate human rights Violate international law [学以致用]任何违反交通规则的人都要受到处罚. C→E 3.merciful adj乍慈的;宽大(容)的(反) n (v) adw [原文再现]…we’ve always been kind and merciful to whoever landed on our shores. E→C [重要短语]受…支配/摆布 残忍地,毫不留情地 对…怜悯 请(乞)求宽恕 [字以致用]1.They the hostages(人质) 对…不乍慈 2.We shouldn’t the fate(命运) 任凭…摆布 3.His stepmother treats Tom . 残忍地 4.hatch vt孵化;出壳 [原文再现]Without an invitation they cooked and ate my Newly hatched duckings?…E→C 谚语:Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. E→C 引申义:Have you been hatching up a deal with her? 5.wear off逐渐消失;磨灭;损耗wear p’t ; p’p [原文再现]Luckily I appreciated the joke and later when the magic had worn off,wepared as friends. E→C 相似辨析: Wear out:磨薄;突破;疲乏. [学以致用]The effecfs of the drug wiu in a few hours. He two pairs of shoes last year. The kids have totally me this morning. You will yoursey if you carry on working like that. Ⅱ.Key pcints in texts. 1.There was always the possibility that it could split into smaller kingdoms. (A)分析:此句中that引导 从句,解释说明 的具体内容。 [学以致用]The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient’s fear


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