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* 全国高三(上)怀化市2014下期高三344班中考试卷答案制作人: 李勇 2014年下学期 2014.11.23 第一部分:听力技能 1-5 CABCB 6-10 BCABA 11-15 CACAB 16. much quicker in no time/ at once/ immediately many things 19. five o’clock/ 5 / 5:00 20. stay/ keep calm 第二部分:单项选择 21-25 DCADA 26-30 ADCAC 31-35 ABCBA 第二部分:完形填空 36-40 BCADD 41-45 ADBCB 46-47 AC 48. because The 50. after/ though/ although that/ who/ whom another 53. them for 55. but/ and 第三部分:阅读理解 56-60 ABCBD 61-65 DCABD 66-70 CACDB 第三部分:阅读填空 Find Happiness/ Enjoy Life 72. appreciation letter friend and parents no money /nothing /little Evaluate/ Appreciate yourself 76. achievements clarity and awareness 78. inner peace Summary/ Conclusion three steps/ suggestions/ (above), three ways (above) 回答问题 第三部分:阅读回答问题 81. Because tears were signs of being weak and a sissy. / Because a man’s tear means weakness and a sissy. / Because crying was a sign of being weak and a sissy. 82. An iron-willed and authoritarian person/ man/ father. By touching his father and saying some (comforting) words./ Through a simple touch and some (comforting) words. The day / night when his father cried. 书 面 表 达 (分段) In the picture, ( As is shown in the picture), something is thrown out of a moving car and a cleaner can do nothing but glare at it. Nowadays, this phenomenon happens frequently, causing pollution to the environment and bringing heavy burden to the cleaners. Actually, it is not only impolite but also dangerous to drivers and passers-by. *


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