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T h e R e c o n stru c tio n o f M a rx ist F a ith u n d er th e C ir cu m sta n ce o f S ocia list M ark et E con om y W ang Q ing long D irected by R ong C h anghai A b str a c t M arx ist faith is th e h igh ly app roval an d pursu ing for com m un ism idea that b eyond reality. C om pare to other b elief, it is scientific, practical, dynam ic and goal-lofty. It w as adapted to the liberation m ovem ent for the w orldw ide proletariat and oppressed people, and it is by far the m ost scientific faith in the h istory of hum an b e lie f. M arx ist faith is alw ays based on C h inese C ircum stances an d develop ing continuously to the trend of the tim es. It em bod ies the fun dam en tal interests of th e overw helm ing m ajority of p eop le. It is the m ental pow er for th e continuously steady developm ent of socialism w ith C h inese characteristics. M arx ist faith, an im portant part of the ideology of C h inese C om m un ist P arty, w as once rooted in th e h earts of the vast m ajority of C h inese peop le as a banner. B ut entering into the new p eriod of the developm ent of socialism , for various reasons, M arx ism faith encountered the dilem m a facing m any prob lem s, questioned b y som e peop le, not taken seriously by p eop le and even just b ecom ing a slogan . T h erefore, the reconstruction of M arx ism faith is particularly im portant under the condition s the socialist m arket econom y. R ebu ilding th e faith of M arx ist faith, w e not on ly need th e scientific attitude tow ards th e original theory of M arx ism , but also to accurately grasp th e basic national conditions and reality of C h inas reform and open ing-up and use the C h inese belief of



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