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自考《高级英语》真题 一、完形填空题 全国2013年1月高等教育自学考试 Between Elvis and Alice, rock critics say, a 32 . of rock stars have helped our society define its beliefs and 33 . Bob Dylan touched a 34 of disaffection. He spoke of 35 rights, nuclear fallout, and loneliness. He spoke of change and of the 36 of an older generation. “Somethings happening here,” he sang. “You dont know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?” On her way home she usually bought a slice of honey-cake at the bakers. It washer Sunday 37 . Sometimes there was an almond in her slice, sometimes 38 . It made a great 39 . If there was an almond it was like carrying home a tiny present-a surprise-something 40 might very well not have been there. She hurried on the almond Sundays and struck the match for the kettle in quite a 41 way. The satisfaction of 42 time and of affording some outlet, however modest, for ambition, belongs to most work, and is sufficient to make even a man whose work is dull 43 on the average than a man who has no work 44 all. But when work is interesting, it is 45 of giving satisfaction of a far higher order than mere relief 46 tedium. The kinds of work in which there is some interest may be arranged in a hierarchy. Problems large and small confront the elderly. They are easy targets for crime in the 47 and in their homes. Because of loneliness, confusion, hearing and visual difficulties they are prime 48 of dishonest door-to-door salesmen and fraudulent advertising, and buy defective hearing aids, dance lessons, useless Medicare insurance supplements, and quack health remedies. Persons crippled by arthritis or strokes are yelled at by 49 bus drivers for their slowness in climbing on and 50 buses. Traffic lights turn 51 before they can get across the street. Our research shows that no company can succeed today by trying to be all things to all people. It must 52 find the unique value that it alone can deliver to a chose


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