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Part 1 Finding the Right Apartment Ming: “You know, my building has some vacancies.” vacancy (待租的)空房 There is a vacancy in the small hotel. 那家旅馆里有一个空房。 No Vacancies. 客满 (旅馆或宾馆的告示) Part 1 Finding the Right Apartment fireplace = 温馨和舒适 According to legend, Santa Claus came to give out his presents through the chimney and out of the fireplace. Part 1 Finding the Right Apartment Ming: “… Are you looking for a furnished or unfurnished place?” furniture n. 家具 furnish vt. 给房间配家具 furnished adj. 带家具的住宅 unfurnished adj. 不带家具的住宅 Part 1 Finding the Right Apartment Beth: “Unfurnished. I have my own stuff.” stuff n. 东西,物品 I’ve got quite a lot of stuff to read. 我有许多东西要读。 He doesn’t know anything about computers, MP3, and stuff like that. 他不懂任何关于计算机、MP3以及这类的东西。 I need a place to store my stuff. 我需要一个地方存放我的这些东西。 Part 1 Finding the Right Apartment stuff vt. 装;填;塞 Part 1 Finding the Right Apartment Beth: “Thanks, Ming. I’m going to do that tomorrow for sure.” for sure 肯定地,毫无疑问地 No one knows for sure what happened to him. We’ll win for sure. One thing is for sure, there was nothing wrong with her eyesight. Part 2 Touring an Apartment Part 2 Touring an Apartment Beth is looking at an apartment in Ming’s building. air conditioning 空调 air conditioner 空调(机) electric stove 电炉 dishwasher 洗碗机 Part 2 Touring an Apartment Mr Azizi: “We just put in new carpeting, so… uh… we raised the rent $25.” carpeting (总称)地毯,地毯料 carpet 地毯(一块一块的) rug 小地毯 Part 2 Touring an Apartment Beth: “ I see. And, uh, do I have to sign … I mean, is there a lease?” lease n. 租约 The lease on this house expires at the end of the year. lease vt. 将土地或房屋出租出去 He leased his apartment to his friend. Part 2 Touring an Apartment Mr Azizi: “You can sign a one-year lease or you can pay month-to-month.” month-to-month 按月(付)的 Similar expressions: monthly month after month month by month Part 3 Stra


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