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Background Information Japan National Name: Nippon Geography: Four main islands: Honshu (本州), Hokkaido (北海道), Kyushu (九州), and Shikoku (四国) Area: 371,857 sq.km. Population: 122,700,000 (1988). Capital: Tokyo Background Information Sept.1, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland. France and Britain declared war on Gr. immediately, officially beginning World War II Jun.22, 1941 Gr. invaded USSR Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbour Sept. 1943 Italy surrendered May. 7, 1945 Gr. surrendered unconditionally Background Information Aug. 6, 1945 the first A-bomb exploded in Hiroshima Aug. 8, 1945 USSR declared war on Japan and occupied Manchuria Aug. 9, 1945 the dropping of the second A-bomb on Nagasaki Aug. 14, 1945 Japan announced its surrender Background Information Atomic Bomb: The explosion produces great amounts of heat, a shock wave and intense radiation. The region of the explosion becomes radioactively contaminated and radioactive products may be deposited elsewhere as fallout. Background Information At 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, by order of President Truman, the first Atomic bomb, nicknamed Little Boy was exploded over a point near the centre of Hiroshima, destroying almost everything with a radius of 830-1,450 meters. Background Information The damage beyond this area was considerable, and over 88,000 people were killed instantly. Many more later died of injuries and the effects of radiation. Casualties numbered nearly 130,000. Background Information Survivors are still dying of leukaemia(白血病), pernicious anaemia and other diseases induced by radiation. Almost 98% of the buildings were destroyed or severely damaged. Background Information The Japanese dedicated post-war Hiroshima to peace. A destroyed area named Peace City has been set aside as a memorial. A peace Park was built. A special hospital built here treats people suffering from exposure to radiation and conducts research into its effects. * * 第 五 组 主讲人:张 宇 组 员:邓雪芬 李一丹 冯小敏


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