高级英语第二册 lesson 5 Love is a fallacy Para.53-75.ppt

高级英语第二册 lesson 5 Love is a fallacy Para.53-75.ppt

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高级英语第二册 lesson 5 Love is a fallacy Para.53-75

Love is a fallacy Para53-75 Chen yuejuan Group 4 53 Whats Polly to me, or me to Polly? 54 Not a thing, said I.   55 Its just been a casual kick --just a few laughs, thats all.   56 Try on the coat, said I.   57 He complied. The coat bunched high over his ears and dropped all the way down to his shoe tops. He looked like a mound of dead raccoons. Fits fine, he said happily. 58 I rose from my chair. Is it a deal? I asked, extending my hand.   59 He swallowed. Its a deal, he said and shook my hand. “波利对我算得了什么?我对波利又算得了什么?” “只不过是一时高兴-----不过是说说笑笑罢了,如此而已。”   “试试大衣吧。”我说   “他照办了。衣领蒙住了他的耳朵,下摆一直拖到脚跟。他看起 来活像一具浣熊尸体。他高兴地说:“挺合身的。” “我从椅子上站了起来。“成交了吗?”我说着,把手伸向他。    他轻易地接受了。“算数.”他说,并跟我握了握手。 casual [?k??u?l] adj.偶然的;?临时的;?随便的;?非正式的 eg;1. It was just a?casual?remark—I wasnt really serious. 我只是随便说说,并不当真。 2. a?casual?and conversational tone 不拘礼节的谈话语气 kick (n.[colloq.]) :pleasure高兴,兴奋? Comply v.遵从,依从,服从 1.They refused to?comply?with the UN resolution. 他们拒绝遵守联合国的决议。 2. Failure to?comply?with these conditions will result in termination of the contract. 不遵守这些条件将导致合同终止。 Bunch n.束,串,捆;?一串,一群;?一帮,一伙;?[非正式用语]大量 vt.聚成一串,形成一串;?聚成一组;?使起褶:使(织物)起褶 vi.形成一串,形成一组;?打褶;?膨胀,凸出 ?Spread?out?more. Dont?bunch?up?on?the?centre.?? 再散开一点,?不要都挤在中间. ?His?arm?muscles?bunch?out?when?he?lift?the?stone?lion.?? 他举起石狮时臂上的肌肉一块一块隆起. mound?[ma?nd]n.土堆,土丘;?堆 ?There?is?a?mound?of?papers?on?my?desk.?? 在我的办公桌上有一大堆文件. What’s Polly to me, or me to Polly?—parody(仿拟) 这是一种巧妙、机制而有趣的修辞格。仿拟有意仿照人们熟知的现成的语言材料,根据表达的需要临时创造出新的语、句、篇,以使语言生动活泼,或讽刺嘲弄,或幽默诙谐,妙趣盎然。如: ——To lie or not to lie ,that is a question.撒谎还是不撒谎,这是个问题。(仿拟的是莎士比亚名著《哈姆雷特》的名句To be or not to be, that is the question. 60 I had my first date with Polly the following evening. This was in the nature of a survey; I wanted to find out just how much work I had to do to get her mind up to the standard I required. I took her first to d


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