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Hiroshima ---the “Liveliest” City in Japan By Jacques Danvoir Background Information Japan Geography: Four main islands: Honshu (本州), Hokkaido (北海道), Kyushu (九州), and Shikoku (四国) Atomic Bomb 1)A kind of deadly weapon. 2)Its explosion produces great amounts of heat, a shock wave and intense radiation. The region of the explosion becomes radioactively contaminated [polluted] and radioactive products may be deposited elsewhere as fallout. The Japanese dedicated post-war Hiroshima to peace. A destroyed area named Peace City has been set aside as a memorial. A Peace Park was built. A special hospital built here treats people suffering from exposure to radiation and conducts research into its effects. 广岛的牡蛎 广岛县的牡蛎是日本着名的料理。原因之一在于广岛的牡蛎产量位于全国前列。牡蛎被称为“海里的牛奶”,营养极其丰富。用广岛产牡蛎做的砂锅味道鲜美,是广岛乡土料理的代表。做法很简单,放少量的汤汁,再加入牡蛎、葱、茼蒿菜、豆腐等,煮出来就是美味的牡蛎沙锅了。此外牡蛎还可用来直接烤着吃,生吃等,每种吃法都十分鲜美。在合时的季节,广岛巿内大部分的店铺都有供应此料理。 1. The development of the passage: the chronological order/ the order of time 2.Something more about narration the definition A narrative is an account of an event or a series of events, including stories, biographies, histories, and news items.即telling of a story. 3.Main idea of the text:The author came to Hiroshima for a report. He went to hospital talking with a patient and found out that people still bear the wounds of bomb explosion. 5.confess: admit If you confess sth. or confess to sth., you admit that you have done sth. that you feel ashamed of, or embarrassed about. confession: a religious service at which a person tells his faults to a priest承认,自首,忏悔 to confess / admit that... to confess / admit ones sins / error to confess / admit hating sb. to admit / confess to stealing to confess / admit oneself to be beaten 6.flash by: pass swiftly一闪而过 flash by/past/through: move very quickly in the specified direction急速向某方向运动 The train flashed by at high speed火车疾驰而过。 7.erect: (fml.) to build or establi


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