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山西师范大学本科毕业论文 量子论的提出及初期发展简介 姓 名 院 系 物信学院 专 业 物理学 班 级 学 号 0752010140 指导教师 答辩日期 成 绩 量子论的提出及初期发展简介 内容摘要 科学史上重要的创造性首先是由于理念的彻底转变而来的。“量子化”这一假定及推广在各个科学领域不仅仅是在物理学上都有着无法估量的深远的推动效应。下面的重要内容介绍了“量子化“的提出及初期最重要的三个“量子化”及它们各自的贡献。 19世纪末,多数物理学家认为整个物理理论系统相当完备,接下来的工作仅仅是一些修补的事项,遗留的也是小问题。其中便包含辐射问题。基于前辈们的研究成果普朗克大胆地提出解决了黑体辐射问题。但他本人却极其推崇经典物理,企图将作用量子拉进经典物理的系列中,把能量的不连续纳入能量连续性的经典理论框架中,但各种努力均以失败告终。青年物理学家爱因斯坦对作用量子却有极大的兴趣,在作用量子的启发下,释了光电效应那些经典物理无法解释的现象。玻尔用“轨道量子化”模型解释了原子结构及氢原子的分立光谱。正是由于上述三位科学家等无数科学家的相互作用使量子化逐步成熟起来,发展成现在的量子论。 如今,量子论已有不少分支,且在交叉学科中起着重要的作用,应用前景十分美好。 【关键词】:量子化 作用量子 光量子 轨道量子化 The initial development of quantum theory put forward and introduction Abstract History of vital creative ideas first is due to thoroughly changing. Quantization this assumption and promotion in all fields of science is not only in the physics has inestimable far-reaching pushing effects. Below is an important content of are introduced the quantization put forward and the initial three of the most important quantization and their respective contributions. 19 century, most physicists believe that the whole physics theory system quite complete, the next job are only some of the items, repair legacy is small problems. Which will include radiation problems. Based on the predecessor research Planck boldly proposed energy quantization assumption, solved blackbody radiation problems. But he himself is extremely highly classical physics, attempting to quantum pulls into the role of classical physics, the energy in the series of continuity of discontinuous into energy classical theory frame, but every effort failed. Young physicist Albert Einstein to the acting quantum have great interest in the role of quantum inspired, put forward light quantum hypothesis explain photoelectric effect those classical physics unexplained phenomena. Boulder with track quantization model explains the atomic structure and hydrogen atoms and the schism of spectrum. It is due to the above three



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