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IE浏览器修复教程(国外英文资料) Recently, frequent occurrence of users when browsing the web, resulting in the registry is modified, making IE the default connection page, the title bar and IE right click menu is changed to browse the web address (for advertising information and hate other information), whats more the visitors computer in starting a prompt window to display their own advertising, and will automatically open a lot , and there is a growing trend, especially in the office, he accidentally caught, let you be taken by surprise, we encountered such a situation how to do? First, the reason why the registry was modified and Solutions In fact, the malicious web page is a ActiveX web file containing harmful code that appears as a result of malicious changes in the browsers registry. 1, IE default connection home page has been modified IE browser above the title bar is changed to welcome to the party website style, this is the most common tampering means, the number of victims. The registry item that was changed is: The brand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page The brand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page By modifying the Start Page key, to modify the browsing IE default connection page, such as browsing crusade will you IE the default connection page modified as http://ppw.****.com, even to advertise their own homepage for the purpose, too. Some PA, which is why this kind of horrible. Terms of settlement: A. registry method: After you start Windows, click Start Run menu, type regedit in the open bar, and then press ok; The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main registry to start, find the value of Start Page on double click on the right part of the window, the Start Page key to about blank; The same to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MicrosoftInternet Explorer\Main registry to start Find the string value Start Page in the right half window, and then follow the methods described in


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