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《顶尖导购这样做》连载3:不愿体验产品的顾客(国外英文资料) Shopping guide: clothing industry (topic: working time: 3 years of personal achievement: summer sales this year ranked first in ? research on customer consumption psychology shows that if the diagnosis of customer contact or use of goods, will eliminate the strangeness of the commodity and the increase of goodwill. Therefore, in the sales process, if you can actively guide customers to do personal experience, not only can better display the selling point of the product, but also can extend the customers stay time, thereby enhancing sales performance. Why dont customers experience it? We can imagine, for the following reasons: some necessary information is not enough, if you do not know the price; purchase intention is not obvious, is not ripe, such as do not know to what, on the goods of little interest; it is not very confident, such as fear or worry about the bad effects of the trial, after the trial feel shy say not to buy; to try or fear of trouble, afraid of being picky. One gentleman has seen the scene shop several suit, finally in a vertical stop in front of A. Liu Lin see the customers are more interested in this dress, he suggested: Sir, you really have a good eye, this is our store very distinctive Chinese collar suit. Well, the dressing room in this way, you can see the effect of wear. But the customer is still hesitating. Practice comment: Liu Lin is clear, selling suits did not try on, almost impossible to sell. So, she has been consciously guiding the customer to try on. Liu Lin sees the customer seem interested in some kind of clothes, thinks that the suggestion tries on the stove to arrive. Because, unless the customer is interested, or will not experience, so Liu Lin this understanding is correct. But why are customers still hesitating? In this scene, Liu Lin may not provide enough information, and the customer lacks the necessary communication, it is recommended to try on directly, the performance was a little anxiou


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